Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Keys to the Kingdom and the Life You Want by Stephen Hawley Martin

Stephen Hawley Martin lays out his spiritual history and philosophy in a book that is worth reading whether you agree with his thinking or not. Sometimes he is too anthropomorphic for my taste, and he's also a little dualistic in how he presents God and mankind. This runs counter to my core belief in the creator and the created as one entity. He gets pretty specific about "morphic fields" and how karma and reincarnation work; I tend to question anything that's very descriptive of life after death, because I think it's unknowable. However, there is lots of good guidance on spiritual practices and his description of the four stages of spiritual life is interesting. Stage I = life that is chaotic, self-serving, and manipulative; Stage II = a religious life that is bound up in ritual and dogma; Stage III = a questioning and doubting life; Stage IV = a more mystical life that recognizes the universe as connected, a single organism. He also throws in a Stage V for emeritus mystics like Buddha and Jesus.

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