Monday, December 21, 2009

Eternal Life: A New Vision by John Shelby Spong

In the culmination of a lifetime's spiritual journey, retired Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong presents his take on what it means to have eternal life. In the process he pretty much tosses out the creeds and dogma of Christianity. I'm sure he would object to my saying "tosses out;" he'd prefer the word "transcends." In his spiritual life he has come to see that God is not separate from his creation but is one with everything, and this makes him a great friend of the Unity movement. While he still clings to the warmth of the Episcopal tradition, he actually says (on p. 202) "Increasingly I saw the church as an organization for the spiritually immature, as a body of children vying for the affirmation of the heavenly parent." And as for eternal life, it's simply that consciousness continues within the greater consciousness. Sounds good to me.

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