Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Yoga of Jesus by Paramahansa Yogananda

There is a legend that Jesus spent his young manhood (about ages 14 to 28) in India. The story comes from the discovery in a Tibetan monastery of a manuscript about Saint Issa from Israel "in whom was manifest the soul of the universe." Issa/Jesus was said to have traveled around India and the Himalayas learning and preaching; then he returned to his native country were he was reviled, condemned, and put to death. A Russian traveler saw the Saint Issa manuscript and published notes about it in 1894. In the 1920s at least two other people saw the manuscript but eventually the monks would or could no longer make it available.

Wether or not you choose to believe Jesus was ever in India, the similarities of spirituality as taught by Jesus and by yoga is interesting. They both come down to the idea that God or the Universe emanates divine love and wisdom to guide all beings back to infinite consciousness.

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