Friday, July 31, 2009

God According to God; a Physicist Proves We've Been Wrong About God All Along by Gerald L. Schroeder

Like Fritjof Capra in The Tao of Physics, Gerald Schroeder, an MIT trained physicist, takes today's quantum mechanics and relates it to the wisdom of the ancients. Schroeder teaches Jewish studies in Israel and taps into his interpretation of what God is through Biblical translation and interpretation. For instance, he says that God's famous answer that "I am what I am" really translates "I will be that which I will be." This would mean that God is not a "never changing" being but one who is dynamic.

Schroeder believes that the universe is made of "mind stuff" and that mind is inherent in every atom. This belief is not uncommon among physicists. "If the discoveries in physics over the past century are correct, then that physically condensed energy of the big-bang creation is totally the expression of metaphysical wisdom (cited in Gen. 1:1) or information (J. A. Wheeler) or idea (W. Heisenberg) or mind (G. Wald). Physics not only has begun to sound like theology, it is theology." (p. 156)

Schroeder falls a little short of the ultimate implication of all this: that the Creator and the Created are One. But he states very explicitly that the wisdom of God is the substance of which everything is made. God According to God is a very readable and fascinating book filled with a new and engaging theory of what the Bible really says about God.

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